Soldig Isotipo

Aviso de privacidas

SOLDIG, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (with its legal address at De Andrés 111, El Cristo, Atlixco, Puebla, México, C.P. 74294) -hereafter “SOLDIG”-, in its role as data controller and following the principles of information, consent and finality found in Articles 6,8, 12 and 15 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the Law), and Articles 11 and 23 of its Regulation, presents to you (data subject) this Privacy Notice. The content of this document is presented to you with the aim to, in the context of the services and/or products offered by SOLDIG and the interactions developed within its website (, obtain from you your informed consent.


“SOLDIG” will process your personal data with the aim to provide you with information related to the products and services offered, to process and execute your commercial and informational requests, interact with third parties in the context of the agreements signed between “SOLDIG” and the data subject, and to manage your account. Accordingly, you recognize and consent expressly that, for the optimal development of the actions referred above, “SOLDIG” will process the following data: 1) name, 2) email, 3) address, 4) cellphone, and 5) institutional affiliation. Additionally, “SOLDIG” will process the following financial and economic data: 1) bank account number, 2) income and expenses, and 3) tax regime.

In addition to the elements presented lines above, with the aim to provide our services and deliver our products on an optimal basis, while we individualize your experience, “SOLDIG” can request data and update your consent through the following means: 1) when you grant us your consent expressly through the physical and digital means that we present to you, 2) when you visit our webpage or when you use our online services, and 3) when we obtain information by other means recognized and accepted by the law.

If you decide to not share with “SOLDIG” your personal data, or if you decide to exercise your cancellation right, you recognize and accept that “SOLDIG” can deny the provision of services and/or the delivery or products requested.


With the aim of protecting your personal data, “SOLDIG” will categorize the information that is being processed under the terms set herein and it will design and adopt legal, operative and technological security measures according to the nature of the data being processed.


With the aim to process and execute the services and/or to deliver the products requested by the data subject, “SOLDIG” can enter in agreements with third parties and share your personal data to those processors related to “SOLDIG” that need to process the data. Accordingly, your data can be transferred to third parties different to “SOLDIG” within the Mexican Republic and abroad with the only aim of fulfilling with the objectives informed in the present Privacy Notice and the instruments related to it. For that purpose, under the terms set in Article 51 of the Regulation of the Law, the relationship between “SOLDIG” and these processors will be formalized through contractual clauses, terms and conditions, and other legal instruments que will verify and probe the existence of the relationship, its reach and its content.

Additionally, the data subject acknowledges and accepts that the interactions developed in the context of the social media applications used by “SOLDIG” will be subject to the terms and conditions set by the developers of these applications, including their respective privacy notices.


Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored in the hard drive of the computer employed by the data subject to navigate in a specific webpage, which allow “SOLDIG” to know the type of browser and operative system used by the user, the web pages visited by the user, the source of the visit, the IP address, the time spent in “SOLDIG’s” website, and other statistical data.

Web beacons are images inserted in a webpage or email that can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, store information related to the IP address used by the user, time spent in the webpage, and the navigator employed, among others.

Based on this, we inform you that we employ, both, cookies and web beacons to process personal data, such as:

  • Your preferred browser and operative system
  • The webpages that you visit
  • The links with which you interact
  • Your IP address
  • The website that you visited before visiting ours.


To improve the interactive experience of our website and to deliver the products and services requested by the data subject in an optimal manner, “SOLDIG” uses automated processing tools with the only aim of analyze, organize, and interpret the data, and to issue recommendations to data subjects. Under no circumstance, in the context of the actions referred herein, the referred tools will take independent decisions. All the decisions related to the agreements between the data subject and “SOLDIG” will be taken by the staff that needs to process the relevant information to deliver the product or service requested.


The terms during which “SOLDIG” will process your personal data will not exceed the terms required for the optimal fulfilment of the objectives described in this Privacy Notice; thus, when the personal data is no longer necessary for the fulfilment of the objectives set forth in this privacy notice and in the applicable legislation, the personal data will be blocked and cancelled by “SOLDIG”.


Under the terms set in Article 18 of the Law and Article 32 of its Regulation, “SOLDIG” can put in place compensatory measures, which can be understood as alternative mechanisms to disclose the privacy notice to data subjects through its diffusion in mass media, social media or other far-reaching mechanisms.


Data subjects have the right to request, at any time, their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or objection. For these effects, you or your legal representative, must present your request through the  following electronic address:

The access, rectification, cancellation or objection request must include: 1) your name, 2) documents establishing the identity or, where appropriate, legal representation of the data subject, 3) your address or e-mail to notify you the response to your request, 4) a clear and precise description of the personal data with regard to which you seek to exercise any of the abovementioned rights, and 5) any other item or document that facilitates locating the personal data.

“SOLDIG” will notify you, within a maximum of twenty days counted form the date of receipt of the request for access, rectification, cancellation or objection, of the determination made, so that, where appropriate, same will become effective within fifteen days from the date on which the notice is provided. These time periods may be extended a single time by a period of equal length, provided that such action is justified by the circumstances of the case. For personal data access requests, delivery will be made upon proof of identity of the requesting party or legal representative.

If you want to revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data, you should notify your decision in writing directly to “SOLDIG” through the e-mail


“SOLDIG” se reserva el derecho de efectuar, en cualquier momento, modificaciones o actualizaciones al presente Aviso de Privacidad, para ajustarnos a la realidad institucional, requerimientos legales, novedades jurisprudenciales, e instrumentos de gobernanza corporativa. Dichas modificaciones estarán disponibles al público a través de nuestro sitio web:

“SOLDIG” has the right to make, at any time, modifications or actualizations to this Privacy Notice based on its sole discretion with the aim to adjust our practices to our institutional reality, new legal requirements, new jurisprudence, and modifications to instruments of corporative governance. These changes will be informed through the institutional website (

This Privacy Notice was published on 15/V/2022

Note: The contents, construction and interpretation of this document shall be determinated solely based on its Spanish version.